You changed your mind and you think the best option is to return the product? No problem, we offer 14 days return policy to all purchases from our online shop. If you have registered to our Loyalty program and got the starter kit already – you have also 14 days to return it. Unfortunately, we cannot offer return options for the subsequent deliveries.
Please get yourself familiar with the following procedures in order to make a valid return.
Online shop orders
To withdraw orders for products purchased in our online shop, you must, within 14 days of receiving the product, return the product in unopened, unused and completely sales-worthy condition, which includes any unbroken wrapping foil and possible protective sealing, to the following address:
- DanSmoke
- Box 9177
- SE-202 26 Malmø
- Sweden
Please remember that only the starter kit comes with a right of withdrawal. If you wish to cancel or pause your ongoing deliveries please:
- Use the options in your customer account to do so or
- Contact Customer Support and ask for guidance
Is the product defective?
All accessories come with a warranty. Please check our warranty section for more detailed information.
If you wish to return a defective product please follow the same steps as in the case of an online shop order return. It’s as easy as it sounds. Contact us, we will provide you with an RMA number that you need to write on the box. Send the box with the RMA number to the return address specific for your area. As soon as we receive the package you will get reimbursed within the following 2-3 working days. We will subsequently refund the price of the product as listed at the time of your purchase. You are responsible for covering the costs of shipping the product back to us.

Do you wish to announce a defective product or simply return a package?
Contact us